Nikon D40x – 小試身手

純粹是對於美好事物的熱愛,渴望能捕捉到身邊一切的美麗景象!(再加上我原本的數位相機於我服役期間被我妹接收了 ~”~)因此開始接觸 DSLR ,而小弟的第一支 DSLR 則是 Nikon D40x 。沒什麼特別的原因,聽幾個人推薦 D40x 是一隻很不錯的 DSLR 入門機種,因此決定將它敗了回來。




還有啊~ 後來看了這部 Nikon D3 的廣告短片,深深地被感動,從此,開始很喜歡 Nikon 這個品牌!^______^


We wanted to see the earth,
so we sent cameras to space.
On the frontiers of science, Nikon was always there.

We wanted to see untrodden ground
so we brought cameras to the ends of the earth
On the forefront of exploration, Nikon was always there

We wanted to capture the heart-moving instant
so our cameras froze champions in action

We wanted to record the moments that changed history
so our cameras captured the changing of eras
In the front lines, Nikon was always there.

— 摘錄自:Nikon Ad —
