哇喔~ 今天下午氣溫來到攝氏30度,豔陽高照的午後,明顯感受到今年2014年的夏季已經揭開序幕囉!下午趁著空擋時間,跑去游泳消消暑氣,回來後,打開Spotify,無意間聽到這首歌:SUMMER!演唱者是一位來自蘇格蘭的DJ:Calvin Harris,慵懶的音色,搭配輕鬆的節奏,整個心情也跟著High了起來,就讓我用這首歌曲來迎接2014年的夏季吧!

簡單介紹一下SUMMER這首歌,Calvin Harris在2014年3月14日釋出這首歌曲,作為他即將發行的第四張個人專輯的前導單曲,SUMMER這首歌一發行就立刻在UK Singles Chart取得冠軍的好成績,這首歌曲也是Calvin Harris在UK的第六首冠軍單曲。

以下分享SUMMER的Music Video囉!


by  Calvin Harris

When I met you in the summer
To my heartbeat’s sound
We fell in love
As the leaves turned brown
And we could be together baby
As long as skies are blue
You act so innocent now
But you lied so soon
When I met you in the summer


When I met you in the summer
To my heartbeat’s sound

We fell in love
As the leaves turned brown
And we could be together baby
As long as skies are blue

You act so innocent now
But you lied so soon
When I met you in the summer


When I met you in the summer


By Allen Yang

Just a tiny guy!

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