Cheerleader: Everybody need a Cheerleader!
Cheerleader這首歌曲原是由一位牙買加(Jamaican)的歌手OMI(Omar Samuel Pasley)在2012發表的輕快的雷鬼歌曲,後來在2014年由德國DJ Felix Jaehn重新混音後,在澳洲,丹麥,荷蘭,瑞典都拿到第一名的好成績。
Cheerleader這首歌曲原是由一位牙買加(Jamaican)的歌手OMI(Omar Samuel Pasley)在2012發表的輕快的雷鬼歌曲,後來在2014年由德國DJ Felix Jaehn重新混音後,在澳洲,丹麥,荷蘭,瑞典都拿到第一名的好成績。
最近在Youtube上聽見這首歌曲:聽見下雨的聲音,這首歌是由魏如昀演唱,收錄在方文山的電影【聽見下雨的聲音】原聲帶(同名主題曲)。雖然我沒看過這部電影,但是,魏如昀的歌聲還是深深地打動我的心,清澈透明,嬌柔但又多了一點堅強、而且執著的感染力,讓我反覆地聽著她的歌,一直 repeat… =”= 就是… 有種戀愛了的感覺!(笑)
哇喔~ 今天下午氣溫來到攝氏30度,豔陽高照的午後,明顯感受到今年2014年的夏季已經揭開序幕囉!下午趁著空擋時間,跑去游泳消消暑氣,回來後,打開Spotify,無意間聽到這首歌:SUMMER!演唱者是一位來自蘇格蘭的DJ:Calvin Harris,慵懶的音色,搭配輕鬆的節奏,整個心情也跟著High了起來,就讓我用這首歌曲來迎接2014年的夏季吧!
On 2 May, 2014, Lily Allen, a British female music artist, released her new album: Sheezue. This is Lily’s third studio album. Few days ago, I noticed that she has released new album, then I opened iTunes immediately and ordered the all tracks of this album. While I listened to the entire album, whoa… I think that this album is absolutely FANTASTIC!!!
In 2013 October, I moved to Taipei and started a new life. These days, I tried hard to put all bad memories behind me. But recently, I listened to an old song: Don’t Look Back In Anger, performed by England band: Oasis. It make me recall what have I done before. I felt upset again…
Recently Tizzy Bac released their new album 易碎物. And they will stage their concert on 20th July, 2013. Of course, I won’t miss their concert.
an interesting song: Roll with the punches! This song is very special. It uses many vocabulary and phrases about boxing such as punches, a fist, knock out, the ring… to imply some bad situations in life. As the lyrics, it points out that life is usually unexpected, sometimes life may give us a punch, make we hurt or frustrated. But we still should be optimistic. If we keep a positive attitude, we will have chance to fight back and change the situation.
One more time, one more chance 的原唱是山崎まさよし,這首歌是一部日本電影『秒速五厘米』的主題曲,一部很感人的電影,講述男主角從小學開始一直到出社會後的感情世界,從學生時期青澀的感情一直到成年後的愛情,一路上還是時常想起最初的那一段最純真的感情,還蠻感人的。