Cheer’s Concert: Songs of Transience!
Last night, Dec. 7th, 2013, I went to Taipei Arena to watch Cheer Chen’s concert: Songs of Transience. That was a great show. Absolutely Fantastic!
偶而我會去參加一些演唱會、舞台劇、音樂演奏會… 等的表演活動,因為我也是很有文藝氣息的男人喔!
Last night, Dec. 7th, 2013, I went to Taipei Arena to watch Cheer Chen’s concert: Songs of Transience. That was a great show. Absolutely Fantastic!
Recently Tizzy Bac released their new album 易碎物. And they will stage their concert on 20th July, 2013. Of course, I won’t miss their concert.
2010年春天,我在墾丁,熱血 High 翻天!沙灘、海風、比基尼、啤酒、搖滾樂、還有海鮮和熱狗堡,天啊~ 這裡就是人間天堂吧!這是我第一次參加墾丁春天吶喊音樂祭,從4月3日一直玩到4月5日,每天都過著夜夜笙歌、酒池肉林、極為歡樂的生活!哈哈~ ^____^