
驚死人啦!原來我長得像章子怡、蔡依林或小廣末!!!??? 還有…星爺 =.=?

原來我長得像章子怡、蔡依林或小廣末!!!??? 還有...星爺 =.=?
原來我長得像章子怡、蔡依林或小廣末!!!??? 還有…星爺 =.=?

再傳一張照片試試看,天啊!我竟然長得像Rain耶!太感動啦!這個網站做得太精確了,請大家告訴大家! ^0^


想玩玩看的人可以到 MyHeritage.com 看看,MyHeritage.com 是一個社群網站,根據官方網站的介紹

MyHeritage.com was founded by a team of people with a passion for genealogy and a strong grasp of Internet technology. Our vision has been to make it easier for people around the world to use the power of the Internet to discover their heritage and strengthen their bonds with family and friends.

— cited from MyHeritage.com —

By Allen Yang

Just a tiny guy!

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