Ello: a PURE social network!

oh~ Yeah~ I got an invitation of Ello. Ello is a new, simple, and ad-free social network. This new social network is created by a group of artists and programmers. Now Ello is still a beta version, therefore only a person who get an invitation can join Ello‘s network.

Ello - Simple, beautiful & ad-free.
Ello – Simple, beautiful & ad-free.

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Ello doesn’t have ads

For me, this is the most attractive feature. I use facebook and twitter to do networking for several years. There are always full of advertisement and garbage information. It’s very noisy and distracting. Besides that, these social networks always track user’s behavior, such as posting photos, sharing links… and so on. Then, they sell user behavior data to advertisement sponsors. I think that these data is a kind of private information. However, these social networks treat it like a merchandise. It’s really sad!

But now, we have a new and pure social network: Ello!!!

OK~ let’s shoot a glance at Ello’s user interface:

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Friends: this page is a sort of timeline to show friends' post.
Friends: this page is a sort of timeline to show friends’ post.

[themify_hr color=”orange” width=”100%” border_width=”1.5px” ]

Noise: to explore public post on this page.
Noise: to explore public post on this page.

[themify_hr color=”orange” width=”100%” border_width=”1.5px” ]

Porfile: user's personal main page.
Porfile: user’s personal main page.