Google TechTalks: The Science and Art of User Experience at Google
聽Google的工程師說說(有英文字幕)Google是如何設計他們的使用者界面的,包含:Google首頁、Gmail、GoogleTalk以及各種使用者搜尋經驗的更正… 參考看看囉!^^
Focus on the user and all else will follow. From its inception, Google has focused on providing the best user experience possible. Jen Fitzpatrick will take you through the art and science behind Google’s design process and share examples of how design, usability and engineering come together in Google’s unique culture to create great products.
— Google TechTalks: The Science and Art of User Experience at Google —
附註:若想觀看更多有關Google的影片,可以搜尋這個關鍵字:Google TechTalks。