前不久參與的一個由多家廠商協同合作的專案,而我的專案經理為了要管理各家廠商的工作進度與文件,再找了多種方案後,決定使用 Google Site 這個群組作業網站,來追蹤各家廠商的進度,並且透過方便的 wiki 功能進行文件的分享,與文件的版本控制… Google 又讓小弟體驗了一次網路的偉大… @_@ 因此… 後來啊~ 小弟回到家後馬上也跑到 Google Site 想申請一個 “賽” 來玩玩看… 媽的哩… 竟然要先有一個 Domain Name! 齁呦~ 如果用公司的 Domain Name 來玩,又感覺好像太囂張了一點… 因此,只好暫時打消了這個在線上體驗專案管理的念頭…
昨天… 在網路上瞎逛… 挖喔~ 挖到寶了~ 發現了一個很不錯的、而且還是免費的線上專案管理平台:ProjectOffice.net

ProjectOffice.net is a web-based project management and collaboration solution built with a cutting-edge Web 2.0 technology. Besides essential project management features, it offers all-in-one functionality with more intuitive approach to organizing communication and enhanced user collaboration. With ProjectOffice.net individuals and teams can create projects and tasks, assign tasks to project members and track task progress through the Gantt chart. They can also track time, expenses and issues and use wikis to boost collaboration and knowledge sharing.
- Dashboard – This is the heart of ProjectOffice.net. It provides a list of the user’s projects and tasks, recent changes from all the spaces where the user is a member, gives the ability for the user to create a personal My-To-Do list and displays a list of all the user’s tasks for the current day. The Calendar placed on the dashboard redirects users to the Calendar module.
- Projects & Tasks – allows users to create projects, add tasks, assign tasks to team members and invite new users to their ProjectOffice.net space. Additionally it provides visualization of the projects and tasks through the Gantt chart and tracking the progress and the status of the task through the task progress and status bar.
- Time & Expences – users can report time spent on tasks, request time off, create expense sheets and track and approve the working hours, time offs and expenses. This enhances the effectiveness and team’s performance quality.
- Wikis – the concept of wiki enhances collaboration between the users and enables them to share the knowledge gained during a project and task work.
- Issues – the issue tracking system enables project managers to assign issues to team members and track the issues status until they are resolved.
- Calendar – It helps users organize their work month by month and displays all the relevant tasks on daily bases, as well as the timesheets overdue and the approved time-offs.
OK 操作過程就不多做解釋,總之,ProjectOffice.net是專門用來進行專案管理的網站,其與 Google Site 不只是在功能上有差異,事實上,兩者的宗旨與目的也完全不同…
咩… 好啦~ 我也才剛開始使用… 下次用出心得後,再來寫個專案管理的文章好了…
June 15, 2008 @ 9:44 PM
I’m looking for a tool to track project progress. I got a google site, but I cannot find anything to track project [bar chart, like microsoft project].
Is the projectoffice.net provide this wiki? What’s your hands on feel?
July 9, 2008 @ 5:37 AM
Dear Andy
Actually, we didn’t use google site to track our project progress, but we use google calendar to remind each member of the project schedule. I think that my PM chose google site as the PM tool, just because it’s more famous.
As for the tool for tracking project status you mentioned, I think projectoffice.net might be competent. Because projectoffice.net provides Gantt chart which could let you track your project tasks. However I haven’t used it in practice. So… I could not give you more idea about it.
But still thanks for your input.
November 11, 2011 @ 5:20 PM
提供好用的免費線上專案管理軟體資訊 (Online PM Software)