Listening 30!!!
You’re the only one who really knew me at all.
So take a look at me now
‘Cause there’s just an empty space.
So take a look at me now
‘Cause there’s just an empty space.
You won’t have to ask if I still care
Cause as the time turns the page.
My love won’t age at all
Cause as the time turns the page.
My love won’t age at all
原來,老外喜歡這樣講話… “音變”的影響力真是一整個很驚人!其實,以前就有發現這奇怪的現象,字幕上的單字明明每個字都有學過,但是,關掉字幕直接聽相同段落的老外對話,竟然一整個給他聽嚨唔! 囧rz…..
蝦~ 什麼是音變!?音變就是一種習慣成自然、而且又很懶人的自然發音。聽馬翎老師說,要克服英文聽力障礙,習慣那些老外的音變是必要的課題… 咩…
Phil Collins 也是醬唱的:
You’re the only one who really knew me at all.
So take a look at me now
‘Cause there’s just an empty space.
You’re the only one who really knew me at all.
So take a look at me now
‘Cause there’s just an empty space.
還有 Christina Aguilera 的 Come on over, baby!
註:個人很喜歡聽馬翎老師念 Come on in耶!馬翎老師真口愛! ^______^
March 27, 2008 @ 8:19 AM
come over here!
哈哈! 馬翎老師好好笑!!
Allen Yang
March 27, 2008 @ 12:56 PM